Bienvenue sur la page professionnelle de

Florian De Vuyst

Professeur des Universités, 1ère classe

CNU Section 26, Mathématiques Appliquées


Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC)

Chercheur au Laboratoire Biomécanique-Bioingénierie BMBI UMR 7338, équipe IFSB (Interaction Fluide-Structure pour la Biologie)

Enseignant au Département de Génie Informatique (GI) 

Ancien membre du Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées de Compiègne (LMAC)



Email : florian_dot_de-vuyst_arobase_utc_dot_fr

Tél. : 03 44 23 48 67


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Orcid: 0000-0003-0854-4670

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Short Course on Scientific Machine Learning
Short Course on Scientific Machine Learning held in Grenoble, 3-7 june 2024, Thematic School MECABIO
Document Adobe Acrobat 3.3 MB

Courses on computational methods & applied Mathematics involving mathematical analysis and practical work.


Try this Jupyterlab Notebook ! (the container download can take a while)

3D multifluid extension of Kothe-Rider stretching test case using a low-diffusive conservative interface capturing scheme. Vincent Mahy's PhD work

3D multifluid extension of Kothe-Rider stretching test case using a low-diffusive conservative interface capturing scheme. Vincent Mahy's PhD work

Tumbling motion of a prolate deformable capsule in a Stokes shear flow. Datad-riven reduced-order modeling. Collaboration with Anne-Virginie Salsac and Claire Dupont (UTC & CNRS, BMBI UMR 7338)

Scientific machine learning for problems of suspensions of cells or capsules. Hudie Sun intership. Comparison FOM-ROM. Collaboration with Anne-Virginie Salsac and Claire Dupont (UTC & CNRS, BMBI UMR 7338)

Partitioned reduced-order modeling strategies for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems. Azzeddine Tiba's PhD work. Collaboration CNAM - Michelin - Altair - UTC, I. Mortazavi, T. Dairay, J. P. Ramirez.

Reduced-order modeling of vehicle drag force using reduced-order far field evaluation and suitable shape descriptors. Kalinja Naffer-Chevassier's PhD work. Collaboration Renault Guyancourt, Y. Goardou, Y. Tourbier.

Parametrized reduced-order models for vehicle crash dynamics using space-time-parameter tensor decomposition, CUR factorization, empirical interpolation methods and regression-based machine learning (ReCUR method). E. Gstalter's PhD work. Collaboration Renault Guyancourt, Y. Tourbier.

Tsunami modeling and coastal assessment tool. EquipEx DIGISCOPE, SHIVA facility (ENS Paris-Saclay). Collaboration F. Dias, S. Guillas, A. Kendira, C.  Labourdette

Viscous flow with von Karman alleys and transport of passive color indicator functions
Viscous flow with von Karman alleys and transport of passive color indicator functions
Yet another wave break case.
Yet another wave break case.
Parameter analysis of supersonic flows -- GPU computing
Parameter analysis of supersonic flows -- GPU computing
Three-material compressible multifluid flow, the so-called 'triple point' test case. Geometrically accurate diffuse interface method and Lagrange-flux scheme. Vincent Mahy's PhD work, LMAC, UTC
Three-material compressible multifluid flow, the so-called 'triple point' test case. Geometrically accurate diffuse interface method and Lagrange-flux scheme. Vincent Mahy's PhD work, LMAC, UTC
Tsunami, waves
Tsunami, waves
Labyrinth solutions of the Gray-Scott equations
Labyrinth solutions of the Gray-Scott equations


When science enters the Chauvet Cave (jeu., 31 oct. 2024)
Thirty years after its discovery, an exhibition at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in Paris is featuring the “scientific adventure” behind the Chauvet Cave. Carole Fritz, the exhibition curator, provides an overview.
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How speech comes to children (Wed, 30 Oct 2024)
Before going to school to learn how to read and write their language, children first manage to understand and then speak it. How are they able to do so, almost all of them spontaneously, without a teacher or instruction?
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Évaluations nationales de septembre 2024 en CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 ET CM2 (jeu, 31/10/2024 - 11:51 )
Les résultats des évaluations nationales du CP au CM2 de septembre 2024 ont été dévoilés jeudi 31 octobre 2024.
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De nouveaux programmes de français et de mathématiques pour les élèves de la maternelle au CE2 entreront en vigueur à la rentrée scolaire 2025 (ven, 25/10/2024 - 12:14 )
Présentés au Conseil supérieur de l’éducation en juin 2024, les nouveaux programmes de français et de mathématiques pour les cycles 1 et 2 ont été publiés au Journal Officiel du 25 octobre 2024 et entreront en vigueur à la rentrée scolaire 2025.
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