Présentation "Some examples for CFD instant computations on GPU, LB method for incompressible fluids, VF method for compressible fluids"

Workshop CargèseTrends in physical and numerical modeling of multiphase flows,CFD and its experimental validation for multiphase flows, IESC Cargèse 2012, sep 24-28 2012

"Some examples for CFD instant computations on GPU, LBM for incompressible fluids, VFM for compressible fluids"
F. De Vuyst, C. Labourdette
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  • #1

    Juicer Reviews (lundi, 15 avril 2013 02:21)

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  • #2

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A massive asteroid struck the Earth 66 million years ago, dramatically affecting marine and terrestrial environments, and causing the mass extinction of numerous animal and plant species. The sebecosuchians, a highly-adaptable group of reptiles belonging to the Crocodilian order, were one of the lineages that survived the impact. In a bid to characterise the diet of these ancient species and the environment in which they lived, a team from the LGL-TPE laboratory in Lyon (southeastern France)* used several methods, including the chemical analysis of their bones and the detailed study of their skulls.
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