Publications soumises ou récentes

  1. F. De Vuyst, Investigation of hyperbolic-elliptic fluid-structure interaction problems under solid quasi-static hypothesis, in preparation (2025).
  2. V. Mahy, F. De Vuyst, M. Peybernes and R. Motte, Low-diffusive interface capturing for a Compressible, Multi-Material Flows using a Fully Conservative model, in preparation (2025).
  3. M.T. Augustine, M. Bhushan, S. Bhartiya, T. Baudequin and F. De Vuyst, Deep Learning In Process Modeling: A Survey, Preprint, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27581.06881 (sep. 2024)
  4. K. Naffer-Chevassier, F. De Vuyst and Y. Goardou, Enhanced drag force estimation in automotive design: Surrogate model leveraging limited full-order model drag data and comprehensive physical field integration, Computation 202412(10), 207; 
  5. A. Tiba, T. Dairay, F. De Vuyst, I. Mortazavi and J.P. Berro Ramirez, Machine-Learning Enhanced Predictors for Accelerated Convergence of Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations, Computer Physics Communications, arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.09941, accepted to Computer Physics Communications (IF 7.2) (2025).
  6. A. Tiba, T. Dairay, F. De Vuyst, I. Mortazavi and JP Berro Ramirez, Non-intrusive reduced order models for partitioned fluid–structure interactions, Journal of Fluids and Structures 128, 104156 (2024),
  7. A. Tiba, T. Dairay, F. De Vuyst, I. Mortazavi and J.-P. Berro Ramirez, Non-intrusive reduced order models for partitioned fluid-structure interactions, ERCOFTAC Symposium "Multiphysics critical flow dynamics involving moving/ deformable structures with design applications'', Jun 2023, Toulouse, France; Special Issue in Journal of Fluids and Structures (accepted), 
  8. K. Naffer-Chevassier, F. De Vuyst, Y. Goardou and Y. Tourbier, Low-cost aerodynamic vehicle shape study with reduced order models, Congrès SIA Simulation numérique (avril 2023).
  9. A. Tiba, J.-P. Berro Ramirez, T. Dairay, F. De Vuyst and I. Mortazavi, Dynamical data-driven model order reduction for Fluid-Structure Interaction problems, Congrès SIA Simulation numérique  (avril 2023).. 
  10. C. Dupont, F. De Vuyst and A.-V. Salsac, Data-driven kinematics-consistent model order reduction of fluid-structure interaction problems: application to deformable microcapsules in a Stokes flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM), Vol. 955, (2023), A2, DOI: 
  11. F. De Vuyst, A.-V. Salsac and C. Dupont, Space-time-parameter PCA and data-driven modeling with application in Bio-engineering, chapter in book "Principal Component Analysis", F.P. Garcia Marquez Ed., ISBN 978-1-80355-766-3, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.103756 (2022). 
  12. F. De Vuyst, "Modéliser les tsunamis pour mieux anticiper les impacts sur les littoraux et la dérive de débris", dans ``L'interdisciplinarité - Voyages au delà des disciplines'', CNRS Editions (2023), p 258-263.
  13. S. Nandan, C. Fochesato, M. Peybernes, R. Motte, F. De Vuyst, Sharp Interface Capturing in Compressible Multi-Material Flows with a Diffuse Interface Method, Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 12107, (2021).
  14. Florian De Vuyst, Christophe Fochesato, Vincent Mahy, Renaud Motte, Mathieu Peybernes, A geometrically accurate low-diffusive conservative interface capturing method suitable for multimaterial flows, Computers & Fluids, Volume 227 (2021), 
  15. Toufik Boubehziz, Carlos Quesada-Granja, Claire Dupont, Pierre Villon, Florian De Vuyst, Anne-Virginie Salsac: A Data-Driven Space-Time-Parameter Reduced-Order Model with Manifold Learning for Coupled Problems: Application to Deformable Capsules Flowing in Microchannels. Entropy 23(9): 1193 (2021).
  16. F. De Vuyst, Processeurs graphiques : le calcul à haute performance pour tous ?, Magazine Tangente, 198 (février 2021) .
  17. F. De Vuyst, Efficient solvers for shallow-water Saint-Venant equations and debris transportation-deposition models. Arxiv. preprint. (2021).
  18. Etienne Gstalter, Sonia Assou, Yves Tourbier, Florian De Vuyst: Toward new methods for optimization study in automotive industry including recent reduction techniques. Adv. Model. Simul. Eng. Sci. 7(1): 17 (2020)
  19. T. Fahlaoui, F. De Vuyst, Nonintrusive data-based learning of a switched control heating system using POD, DMD and ANN, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, Volume 347, Issue 11, November 2019, Pages 793-805 (2019),
  20. F. De Vuyst, P. Villon, Identification of nonlinear dynamical system equations using dynamical mode decomposition under invariant quantity constraints, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, Volume 347, Issue 11, November 2019, Pages 882-890 (2019),
  21. Thomas Douillet-Grellier, Sébastien Leclaire, François Bertrand, Florian De Vuyst, Comparison of multiphase SPH and LBM approaches for the simulation of intermittent flows in 2D, Computational Particle Mechanics, (2019).
  22. Asma Toumi and Florian De Vuyst, Empirical Interpolation Decomposition, Acta Appl. Math. (2018).
  23. Louis Viot, Laurent Saas, Florian De Vuyst, Solving coupled problems of lumped parameter models in a platform for severe accidents in nuclear reactors, International Journal for Multiscale Computing Engineering, Vol. 16(6), pp. 555-577, doi: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2018025643 (2018).
  24. Thomas Douillet-Grellier and Florian De Vuyst and Henri Calandra and Philippe Ricoux, Simulations of intermittent two-phase flows in pipes using smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 177, pp 101-122 (2018). Doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.10.004
  25. A. Le Coënt, L. Fribourg, N Markey, F. De Vuyst, L. Chamoin, Compositional synthesis of state-dependent switching control, Theoretical Computer Science 750, 53-68 (2018).
  26. A. Le Coënt, F. De Vuyst, L. Chamoin and L. Fribourg, Control Synthesis of Nonlinear Sampled Switched Systems using Euler's Method, Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Reachability Analysis, Uppsala, Sweden, SNR'17 (2017).
  27. F. De Vuyst, A. Le Coënt, L. Chamoin and L. Fribourg, Guaranteed control synthesis of ODE-PDE switched control systems using model order reduction, submitted to COMPLAS 2017 (2017)..
  28. F. De Vuyst, Lagrange-flux schemes and the entropy property, Proc. of FVCA8 conférence, Lille, France (2017). 
  29. V. Loridan, J.F. Ripoll and F. De Vuyst, The analytical solution of the transient radial diffusion equation with a non-uniform loss term, Journal of Geophysical. Research - Space Physics., DOI: 10.1002/2017JA023868 (2017).
  30. A. Le Coënt, L. Fribourg, N. Markey, F. De Vuyst and L. Chamoin, Distributed synthesis of state-dependent switching control, Reachability Problems: 10th international Workshop, RP 2016, K.G. Larsen et al. Eds., LNCS~9899, Springer, pp 119--132 (2016). ISBN~978-3-319-45993-6.
  31. T. Gasc, F. De Vuyst, M. Peybernes, R. Poncet, R. Motte, Building a more efficient Lagrange-remap scheme thanks to performance modeling, Proc. of the ECCOMAS Congress 2016, VII Eur. Congress on Comp. Meth. in Appl. Sci. and Eng., Crete, 1191--1204  (2016). ISBN: 978-618-82844-0-1
  32.  F. De Vuyst, T. Gasc, R. Motte, M. Peybernes, R. Poncet, Lagrange-Flux Eulerian schemes for compressible multimaterial flowsProc. of the ECCOMAS Congress 2016, VII Eur. Congress on Comp. Meth. in Appl. Sci. and Eng., Crete, 1165--1178  (2016). ISBN: 978-618-82844-0-1
  33. F. De Vuyst, Efficient solvers for time-dependent problems: a review of IMEX, LATIN, PARAEXP and PARAREAL algorithms for heat-type problems with potential use of approximate exponential integrators and reduced-order modelsAdvanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences (AMSES), 3:8, DOI: 10.1186/s40323-016-0063-y (2016).
  34. F. De Vuyst, M. Béchereau, T. Gasc, R. Motte, M. Peybernes, R. Poncet, Stable and accurate low-diffusive interface capturing advection schemes, Preprint ArXiv (2016).
  35. F. De Vuyst, T. Gasc, R. Motte, M. Peybernes, R. Poncet, Lagrange-Flux Schemes: Reformulating Second-Order Accurate Lagrange-Remap Schemes for Better Node-Based HPC Performance, Oil and Gas Science and Technology journal (OGST), Special issue for the SIMRACE 2015 Conference, vol 71, num 6, online (2016).
  36. R. Poncet, M. Peybernes, T. Gasc and F. De Vuyst,Performance modeling of a compressible hydrodnamics solver on multicore CPUs, in IOS Ebook: Parallel Computing: on the road to Exascale, Series ``Advances in parallel computing'', G.R. Joubert et al. Eds, pp. 449--458 (2016).
  37. L. Chamoin, A. Le Coënt, F. De Vuyst, L. Fribourg and C. Rey, Control of mechanical systems using set based methodsInternational Journal of Dynamics and Control, pages 1--17, doi="10.1007/s40435-016-0245-y" (2016).
  38. Adrien Le Coënt, F. De Vuyst, C. Rey, L. Chamoin and L. Fribourg, Guaranteed control of switched control systems using model order reduction and state-space bisection, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP'15), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 44, pp. 33--47 (2015).
  39. D.A. Barcarolo, D. Le Touzé, G. Oger, F. De Vuyst, Adaptive particle refinement and derefinement applied to the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, Journal of Computational Physics, 273, 640--657 (2014), DOI: 10.1016/
  40. T. Gasc, F. De Vuyst, Suitable formulations of Lagrange Remap Finite Volume schemes for manycore / GPU architectures,  Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 78, 2014, pp 607-616.
  41. F. De Vuyst, F. Salvarani, Numerical simulation of degenerate transport problems, Kinetic Related Models (KRM), Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 463--476 (2014), preprint CMLA and Preprint HAL.
  42. Aude Bernard-Champmartin, Florian De Vuyst, A low diffusive Lagrange-remap scheme for the simulation of violent air-water free-surface flows, Journal of Computational Physics,Vol. 274, pp 19--49 (oct2014), preprint CMLA and Preprint HAL (2014).
  43. F. De Vuyst, C. Labourdette and C. Rey, GPU-accelerated real-time visualization and interaction for coupled Fluid Dynamics, Proceedings CFM 2013, Bordeaux, August 26-30 2013, preprint HAL
  44. Florian De Vuyst, Francesco Salvarani, GPU-accelerated numerical simulations of the Knudsen gas on time-dependent domains, Comput. Phys. Comm., 184, 3 (2013) 532-536 
  45. N. Fahri, H. Haj-Salem, M.M. Khoshyaran, J.P. Lebacque, F. Salvarani, B. Schnetzler, F. De Vuyst, The Logit lane assignment model: first results, Transportation Research Board Meeting 2013 02/201, available on Arxiv (2013).
  46. J.-M. Etancelin, G.H. Cottet, C. Picard, F. Pérignon, F. De Vuyst, C. Labourdette, "Is GPU the Future of Scientific Computing ?", Proceedings CANUM 2012, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal,  20(1), 75--99 (2013), article mis en ligne dans le cadre du Centre de diffusion des revues académiques de mathématiques (2013). 
  47. D. A. Barcarolo, D. Le Touzé and F. De Vuyst, Incompressible smoothed particle Hydrodynamics: proposition and validation of a fully-explicit scheme, International SPHERIC Workshop, Prato Italy may 2012.
  48. F. De Vuyst, L. Desvillettes, B. Frogé, J.-M. Ghidaglia, C. Labourdette, Ph. Ricoux, A lightweight three-phase Fluid Catalytic Cracking riser model for real-time simulation and interactive three-dimensional visualization, International Journal on Finite Volumes (IJFV), 14, Volume 9 (2013).
  49. L. Larue, F. De Vuyst and V. Delmas, Modeling of Melanoblasts Development, 
    CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00018-012-1112-4 (CMLS impact factor 2011 : 6.57). 
  50. D. Bui, M. Hamdaoui and F. De Vuyst, POD-ISAT: a new and efficient reduced-order modeling method for the representation of parameterized finite element solutions. Application to aircraft air control systems, International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, 94:648--671, DOI: 10.1002/nme.4468, Preprint HAL (2013)

Publications récentes à comité de lecture

  1. Christophe Audouze, Florian De Vuyst, Prasanth B. Nair, Nonintrusive reduced-order modeling of parametrized time-dependent partial differential equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,Volume 29, Issue 5, pp 1587-1628,  DOI: 10.1002/num.21768 (2013).
  1. Paul Vigneaux« Simulation quasi temps réel du craquage catalytique » — Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2013 (contributeurs  L. Desvillettes, F. De Vuyst, J.-M. Ghidaglia, C. Labourdette et P. Ricoux),
  2. D. A. Barcarolo, D. le Touzé, F. de Vuyst, Validation of a new fully-explicit incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics 2012, São Paulo, Brazil, 8-13 July 2012
  3. F. De Vuyst, L. Desvillettes, J.M. Ghidaglia, C. Labourdette, Ph. Ricoux, Near real-time FCC riser simulation ans visualization, Forward look -- Mathematics and Industry Success Stories, European Science Foundation ESF, p. 45 (2011),
  4. Yamaguchi, H., Niu, X.-D., Nagaoka, S., De Vuyst F., Solid-liquid two-phase flow measurement using the electromagnetically induced signal measurement method, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 133(2011), 041302. 
  5. B. Aylaj, F. Luciani, V. Delmas, L. Larue and F. De Vuyst, Melanoblasts proliferation dynamics during mouse embyonic development. Modeling and validation, Journal of Theoretical Biology,  276(1):86-98, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.01.041 (2011). 
  6. Flavie Luciani, Delphine Champeval, Aurélie Herbette, Laurence Denat, Bouchra Aylaj, Silvia Martinozzi, Robert Ballotti, Rolf Kemler, Colin R Goding, Florian De Vuyst, Lionel Larue, Véronique Delmas, Biological and mathematical modeling of melanocyte development, Development (Cambridge, England). 09/2011; 138(18):3943-54. 
  7. R. Billot, C. Chalons, F. De Vuyst, N. E. El Faouzi, J. Sau, A conditionally linearly stable second order traffic model built from a Vlasov kinetic description, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 338(9), 529--537 (2010) 
  8. Sawai Y., Niu, X.D., De Vuyst F., Yamaguchi, H. Measurement of concentration inSolid-Liquid two-phase flow using magnetic fluid, Physics Procedia, 9 (2010) 137--141.
  9. C. Bauzer Medeiros , M. Joliveau , G. Jomier  and F. De Vuyst, Managing sensor traffic data and forecasting unusual behaviour propagation, GeoInformatica,  14(3), 279-305 (2010)
  10. Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., De Vuyst, F. Integrating the Impact of Rain into Traffic Management: Online Traffic State Estimation Using Sequential Monte Carlo Techniques.  /Transportation Research Record : Journal of the Transportation Research Board/. Transportation Research Board TRB of the National Academies.  Accepted (2010) 
  11. Billot, R., El Faouzi, N.-E., De Vuyst, F. A Multilevel Assessment of Rain Impact on Drivers' Behaviors: Standardized Methodology and Empirical Analysis. /Transportation Research Record : Journal of the Transportation Research Board/. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. ISSN0361-1981. Vol 2107, p134-142. (2009) 
  12. P. Jaisson and F. De Vuyst, An innovating PDE model based on fluid flow paradigm for multithread systems, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 52(18) (2008), 3318-3324.
  13. T. Kuwahara, H. Yamaguchi and F. De Vuyst, Flow regime discrimination technique for gas-liquid two-phase flow in magnetic fluid, Proc. IMechE, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 222 (C6), 935-944 (2008), DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES491.
  14. P. Jaisson and F. De Vuyst, A novel second order accurate hybrid numerical approach for the numerical simulation of conservation laws, ESAIM: Proc. 25 (2008) 91-113, DOI: 10.1051/proc:082507. 
  15. C. Audouze, F. De Vuyst, P.B. Nair, Reduced-order modeling of parameterized PDEs using time-space-parameter principal component analysis - Part I, Int. Jour. Num. Meth. in Eng. (INJME), in press, DOI: 10.1002/nme.2540 (2008).
  16. T. Kuwahara, F. De Vuyst, H. Yamaguchi, Flow regime classification in air-magnetic fluid two-phase flow, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,  20 (2008), 204141.
  17. Kuwahara, T., Yamaguchi, H. and De Vuyst, F., "Measurement of bubble velocity in air-magnetic fluid two-phase flow for slug-churn flows", Progress in multiphase flows, vol. 2, 133-140 (2007). 
  18. Le Bourdiec S., De Vuyst F. and Jacquet L., Numerical solution of the Vlasov-Poisson system using generalized Hermite functions, Comput. Phys. Comm., Volume 175, Issue 8, pages 528-544 (2006). 
  19. Michaël Ndjinga, Anela Kumbaro, Florian De Vuyst, Pascal Laurent-Gengoux, "Numerical simulation of hyperbolic two-phase flow models using a Roe-type solver", Nuclear Engineering and Design, volume 238, issue 8, (2008), 2075-2083.
  20. Alouges, F., De Vuyst, F., Le Coq, G. and Lorin, E., "The reservoir scheme for systems of conservation laws : a technique that makes the Collela-Glaz solver zero or very low diffusive", European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Volume 27, Issue 6, November-December 2008, Pages 643-664.
  21. Florian De Vuyst, Jean-Michel Ghidaglia and Gérard Le Coq, Simulation of multiphase water flows with changes of phase using the Homogeneous Equilibrium Model, International Journal on Finite Volumes, vol. 2, num. 1 (2005).

Actes de conférences à comité de lecture

  1. F. De Vuyst, V. Ricci, F. Salvarani, Nonlocal second ordervehicular traffic flow models and Lagrange-remap Finite Volumes, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI, Problems \& Perspectives, Prague, June 2011, Volume 1, 781--790 (2011).
  2. Audouze, C.Hakansson, P.De Vuyst, F. and Nair, P.B. (2010) Reduced-order modelling of randomly parameterized PDEs. In, 4th European Conference on Computational MechanicsParis, France16 - 21 May 2010.
  3. D. A. Barcarolo, D. le Touzé, F. de Vuyst, Validation of a new fully-explicit incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, Proceedings 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM 2012, São Paulo, Brazil, 8-13 July 2012
  4. M. Joliveau et F. De Vuyst, Recherche de motifs de cas atypiques pour le trafic routier urbain, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information RNTI-E-11 Cepaduès-éditions, F. Guillet & B. Trousse Eds., Vol. 2, 523--534 (2008). Prix du meilleur article applicatif de la conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances EGC 2008. 
  5. Ndjinga, M., Kumbaro, A., Laurent, P. and De Vuyst, F., "Fast computation of the absolute value of a matrix. Application to Roe solver for the numerical simulation of two-phase flow models", Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE 14, ICONE Award paper ICONE14-89817  (2006) 
  6. R. Billot, N.-E El Faouzi, F. De Vuyst, How does rain affect Highway traffic performance indicators?, Proc. of the Lakeside conference, Klagenfurt, Austria, in press (2008).
  7. C. Medeiros, M. Joliveau, G. Jomier and F. De Vuyst, Managing sensor data on urban traffic, accepted, 2nd International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS SeCoGIS 2008 (2008) 
  8. M. Joliveau, F. De Vuyst, G. Jomier, C. Medeiros, Exploitation de données brutes de trafic routier urbain issues d'un réseau de capteurs géoréférencés, accepté, Actes de la Conf. INFORSID 2008. 
  9. Joliveau, M. and De Vuyst, F. "Space-Time summarization of multisensor time series. Case of missing data", accepted to the Proceedings of 2007 International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-temporal data mining, IEEE ICDM, Omaha, NE, USA, . ICDM Workshops 2007: 631-636.
  10. Bauzer-Medeiros, C. and Carles, O. and De Vuyst, F. and Hugueney, B. and Joliveau, M. and Jomier, G. and Manouvrier, M. and Naija, Y. and Scemama, G. and Steffan, L., "Vers un entrepôt de données pour le trafic routier", Entrepôts de données et Analyse en Ligne EDA'06, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information - RNTI - B2, D. Grigori et al. Eds, Cépaduès (2006)
  11. H. Yamaguchi, T. Kuwahara, S. Matsumoto, M. Sorano et F. De Vuyst, "Bubble Velocity Measurement in GasLiquid TwoPhase Flow of Magnetic Fluid", Japan Society of Magnetic Fluid Research Annual Meeting 2006, Hokkaido, December 78, 2006, pp.3536.
  12. H. Yamaguchi, T. Kuwahara and F. De Vuyst "Corresponding Waveform of Induced Electromotive Force and Flow Regime of Air-Magnetic Fluid Two Phase Flow in Electromagnetic Induction Measuring Method", Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow Annual Meeting 2007, Hokkaido, June 2224, 2007, pp.6061.
  13. T. Kuwahara, H. Yamaguchi and F. De Vuyst, "Flow regime identification for air and magnetic fluid flow using electromagnetic induction and artificial neural network", Japan Society of Magnetic Fluid Research Annual Meeting 2007, Nagoya, December 67, 2007, pp.6265.