Thèmes de Recherche

Modélisation et simulation numérique en Mécanique des Fluides

Modèles et méthodes en écoulements multi-fluides et multi-phasique

Méthodes de volumes finis

Méthodes numériques sur GPU et General Purpose GPU

Réduction de modèles, réduction d'ordre

Data-driven modeling

Identification d'équations d'un système physique par les données


Interaction CFD temps réel. Collaboration C. Labourdette
Interaction CFD temps réel. Collaboration C. Labourdette

Collapse of a water column. Finite volume method with low-diffusive interface capturing strategy.

Air-water flow -- Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Collaboration A. Bernard-Champmartin
Air-water flow -- Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Collaboration A. Bernard-Champmartin
Problème de scattering. Collaboration F. Salvarani
Problème de scattering. Collaboration F. Salvarani
Complex compressible fluid flow computation
Complex compressible fluid flow computation
Ecoulements gas-liquide-solide
Ecoulements gas-liquide-solide
Yet another complex compressible flow computation
Yet another complex compressible flow computation
Impact of two blocks of dense compressible fluids
Impact of two blocks of dense compressible fluids
Interface capturing ("multimaterial" stretched Salezak disk)
Interface capturing ("multimaterial" stretched Salezak disk)
Antidiffusive interface capturing. Stretched Salezak disk
Antidiffusive interface capturing. Stretched Salezak disk

Transport of a marker function with initial triple and quadruple points

Case of filamentation
Case of filamentation
Case of filamentation - GPU computing
Case of filamentation - GPU computing
<Click to maximize>
Case of filamentation, more stretched ...
Méthodes Lattice Boltzmann (collaboration Marie Béchereau)
Méthodes Lattice Boltzmann (collaboration Marie Béchereau)
Compressible multimaterial vortex flow
Compressible multimaterial vortex flow
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
Yet another Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Yet another Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Again another one
Again another one
RT instability on fine grid
RT instability on fine grid
RT instability on fine grid (the end)
RT instability on fine grid (the end)
Image Rayleigh-Taylor Instability -- Big Image [401.0 KB] here
Format d'image Portable Network 401.0 KB
RT mushrooms
RT mushrooms
RT Mushrooms and needles
RT Mushrooms and needles
Impact problem
Impact problem
High speed penetration of a film of fluid
High speed penetration of a film of fluid
Mixture cells
Mixture cells
Multi-material flow "triple point" case
Multi-material flow "triple point" case
Materials under compression, vorticity and instabilities
Materials under compression, vorticity and instabilities
Complex flow
Complex flow
Gloup gloup ...
Gloup gloup ...
Wave breaking analysis
Wave breaking analysis
Wave breaking analysis
Wave breaking analysis
Splash ...
Splash ...
High resolution of the image
Format d'image Portable Network 315.8 KB
Yet another breaking wave. Flaping wave maker on the left boundary (ALE approach). Collaboration with Luc Lenain (UCSD)
Yet another breaking wave. Flaping wave maker on the left boundary (ALE approach). Collaboration with Luc Lenain (UCSD)


“Magnificence” on stage: Rome 1644-1740 (lun., 18 nov. 2024)
At the head of a major research programme, Anne-Madeleine Goulet has unearthed a buried treasure from Roman archives: one hundred years of prolific creation on the stage from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century, under the auspices of an aristocracy seeking prestige.
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Astrochemistry, inside cosmic kitchens (Fri, 15 Nov 2024)
Astrochemistry, a relatively new field, focuses on exploring chemistry in interstellar spaces to uncover insights about the origins of life on Earth. This discipline has seen significant advancements in recent years.
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Déplacement d'Alexandre Portier dans l'académie de Lyon (mer, 20/11/2024 - 12:13 )
Alexandre Portier, ministre délégué en charge de la Réussite scolaire et de l’Enseignement professionnel, se rendra dans le Rhône ce jeudi 21 novembre, à l’occasion de la semaine de l’industrie, pour visiter plusieurs établissements d’enseignement professionnel.
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La Semaine européenne pour l'emploi des personnes handicapées (SEEPH) et le DuoDay (mer, 20/11/2024 - 17:42 )
La Semaine européenne pour l'emploi des personnes handicapées (SEEPH) et le DuoDay sont l’occasion de sensibiliser et d’impliquer les équipes du ministère autour de la question du handicap en milieu professionnel. Ils permettent également de faire mieux connaître la politique d’inclusion de l’employeur.
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